How to build a good credit rating
How to Build Credit with a Credit Card. Open your first credit card account. If you have already established some credit history, look for a card with a low spending limit, which may be Get a secured credit card. If you have little credit history or negative history, it may be difficult to get a A person's credit history begins when they apply for their first credit card or take our their first loan. A good record is built up over many years, by paying bills on time and making your debt payments. Each negative incident, such as a call from a collection agency for an unpaid bill, is noted. Use credit cards wisely A credit card opens all kinds of ways to damage your score. Never miss a payment. Pay in full if you can. If you must carry a balance it won't hurt you unless your balance is relatively large. Never charge more than 30% of your credit limit and preferably keep it closer to 10%.